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We know that moving is never easy. From the very first steps of finding a new location, to the packing phase, to the final steps of physically moving locations, it can be a challenge every step of the way. Choosing a moving company should be the easiest part. Luckily, we’re one of the top moving companies in Chicago, and we’re on your side.

Fill out our form below to request information about our services. We’ll be there to make the move as quick and as pain-free as possible, no matter how big your move may be! If you’ve already made the big move with us, please let us know about your experience! Use this form to tell us about your involvement with one of the very best Chicago moving companies.

With Devon Moving, you can trust that you’ve got the top professional movers Chicago has to offer. Be sure to contact us for more information about our top-notch moving services!

Live Help Available

Office Hours: Monday–Sunday, 8 a.m.–9 p.m. | Licensed & Insured | Free Estimates Available

(773) 829-7174


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